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Resumen de precios de eKomi

eKomi de un vistazo

We offer only catered solutions which truly answer the needs of our clients. From customized solutions, to single products, to convenient bundles; we have the products that fit. For more detailed pricing information, simply book a demo with us or get in touch with us via email through our profile.

eKomi no ha proporcionado información de precios para este producto o servicio. Esta es una práctica común para vendedores de software y proveedores de servicios. Contacta a eKomi para obtener los precios actuales.

Precios y planes de eKomi

La información de precios para eKomi es proporcionada por el proveedor de software o recuperada de materiales de precios de acceso público. Las negociaciones finales de costos para comprar eKomi deben realizarse con el vendedor.
La información de precios se actualizó por última vez en August 28, 2017

Alternativas de eKomi Mejor Valoradas

Precios de alternativas de eKomi

A continuación se muestra una descripción general rápida de las ediciones ofrecidas por otros Software de gestión de reseñas

Plus plan
A partir de $259.00
La confianza se construye más rápido con más invitaciones a reseñas y comienza a generar conciencia con una colección de herramientas de exhibición.
  • 8 widgets
  • 3 inicios de sesión de usuario
  • 200 invitaciones mensuales
  • Perfil sin anuncios en
  • Módulo de competidores
$99.001500 Review Invites Por mes
Reseñas y obtén estrellas junto a tus resultados de búsqueda orgánica y de Google Ads.
  • Todas las características en el paquete gratuito
  • Impulsor de reseñas y respuestas
  • Gestor de reputación
  • Biblioteca completa de widgets
  • Prueba social
Sprinklr Social
SMM and Customer Service Solution Self Serve (Annual)
$299.001 Seat/Per month (billed annually)
Combina lo mejor de la gestión de redes sociales y el servicio al cliente para equipos en crecimiento. Facturación mensual solo a través de tarjeta de crédito.
  • Atención al cliente en más de 15 canales
  • Chatbots impulsados por IA y Gemelo Digital
  • Bandeja de entrada omnicanal
  • Base de conocimientos
  • Enrutamiento basado en habilidades

Varios precios y planes de alternativas

La información de precios para las diversas alternativas de eKomi anteriores es proporcionada por el proveedor de software respectivo o recuperada de materiales de precios de acceso público. Las negociaciones finales de costos para comprar cualquiera de estos productos deben realizarse con el vendedor.

Reseñas de precios de eKomi

Usuario verificado en Retail
Pequeña Empresa(50 o menos empleados)
Más opciones
Revisor validado
Fuente de la revisión: Orgánico
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de eKomi?

The software was ok until they changed it and then it went downhill really badly and then they blamed their customers instead of taking responsibilty. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de eKomi?

We were a customer of theirs. They changed their internal system and removed our credit card details. We received a request to enter our credit card details in their new system but it would not accept it. We attempted to contacted them but go not reply. The service was cut off and we thought fine end of the matter.

Then a few months later we get a contact through our website (eKomi had the directors contact details and email address from the set up process but we never received any emails from them about an issue) threatening with legal action and demanding we pay all the bills including after they cut off the service.

We replied to ask what the issue was and they advise that no one had replied that had sent us numerous emails - we checked every address and no one had received any emails from them. We provided proof of this to eKomi and they simply didn't care. They sent internal screenshot of some messaging system they used but they didn't come to us. That is a major red flag.....

I want to remind any readers of this that eKomi software is designed to send emails to your customer for feedback. if they can even contact their own customers about an issue - what good is their software to you?? Seriously utterly incompetent.

We had a signed a year contract which was already finished when the issue with credit card happened - just for clarity the issue was on their side with their new system - nothing to do with our credit card. We had screenshots from the issue when we attempted to contact them.

Again eKomi didn't care - they claim the contract renews for 12 month each time automatically without any notification or consent from the user.... seriously talk about draconian.... Is that even legal?

They threatened us with legal action to pay the full 2nd year including the months after the service had been stopped. The finance person couldn't care less - she only cared about getting money out of us. The fact their software failed miserably and the issue was entirely on their side and they didn't respond to our request for help meant nothing to her.

There are many alternatives out there - All I know for sure is eKomi should be avoid at all cost. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en

¿Qué problemas hay eKomi ¿Y cómo te beneficia eso?

It didnt - it failed and then made us pay under the threat of legal action for their utter incompetence. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en

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