Cyberint, a Check Point Company no es la única opción para Software de Inteligencia de Amenazas. Explora otras opciones y alternativas competidoras. Software de Inteligencia de Amenazas es una tecnología ampliamente utilizada, y muchas personas están buscando soluciones de software sofisticado, productivo con automatización del flujo de trabajo de seguridad, detección de malware, y informes de inteligencia. Otros factores importantes a considerar al investigar alternativas a Cyberint, a Check Point Company incluyen security y user interface. La mejor alternativa general a Cyberint, a Check Point Company es LastPass. Otras aplicaciones similares a Cyberint, a Check Point Company son Wiz, 1Password, Scrut Automation, y Keeper Password Manager. Se pueden encontrar Cyberint, a Check Point Company alternativas en Software de Inteligencia de Amenazas pero también pueden estar en Software de gestores de contraseñas o en Software de Gestión de Postura de Seguridad en la Nube (CSPM).
Halo Security is an External Attack Surface Management (EASM) platform that helps organizations discover, monitor, and secure their external digital footprint against cyber threats. The solution enables security teams to view their infrastructure from an attacker's perspective, providing continuous visibility into vulnerabilities, exposed assets, and potential security risks across web applications, cloud resources, and third-party services. Halo Security was founded in 2013 and is headquartered in the United States. With a team of experienced security professionals, the company has assisted thousands of organizations in strengthening their security posture. Their fully US-based operations have earned the trust of organizations across various industries seeking to protect their digital assets from evolving cyber threats. The platform combines automated discovery with expert analysis to deliver comprehensive attack surface monitoring, vulnerability detection, and technology identification. Key features include continuous asset discovery that automatically identifies unknown digital resources, real-time alerts for newly discovered vulnerabilities delivered via integrations with dozens of tools, technology fingerprinting to detect potential vulnerabilities in third-party services, and subdomain takeover protection that identifies dangerous DNS misconfigurations before attackers can exploit them. Halo Security empowers organizations to eliminate blind spots in their attack surface, prioritize remediation efforts based on real risk, and secure their external-facing assets against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. The solution solves critical challenges for security teams by providing visibility into forgotten or unknown assets, detecting vulnerabilities in third-party platforms, and alerting teams to changes that introduce security risks. Whether managing a growing digital footprint or meeting compliance requirements, Halo Security provides the visibility and tools needed to maintain a strong security posture in today's complex threat landscape.
Las soluciones empresariales de LastPass ayudan a los equipos y empresas a tomar el control de su gestión de identidad con la gestión de contraseñas, inicio de sesión único (SSO) y autenticación multifactor adaptativa (MFA).
Wiz es un CNAPP que consolida CSPM, KSPM, CWPP, gestión de vulnerabilidades, escaneo de IaC, CIEM, DSPM, y seguridad de contenedores y Kubernetes en una sola plataforma.
1Password recuerda tus contraseñas por ti — y te ayuda a hacerlas más fuertes. Todos tus secretos están seguros y siempre disponibles, protegidos detrás de la única contraseña que solo tú conoces.
Automáticamente prueba tus configuraciones en la nube contra más de 150 puntos de referencia CIS en múltiples cuentas en la nube en AWS, Azure, GCP y más, para mantener una postura de seguridad de la información sólida.
Almacene, comparta y gestione de manera segura sus contraseñas, inicios de sesión, números de tarjetas de crédito, cuentas bancarias e información privada en su bóveda digital cifrada.
Habilitando a las empresas más grandes y brillantes del mundo para que pasen de DevOps incoherentes y desconectados a flujos de trabajo de autoservicio, rápidos y seguros que conectan la entrega de software con los resultados empresariales.
Las soluciones de Seguridad y Rendimiento de Aplicaciones de Cloudflare ofrecen rendimiento, fiabilidad y seguridad para todas tus aplicaciones web y APIs, dondequiera que estén alojadas y dondequiera que estén tus usuarios.
WhatsUp Gold es un software unificado de monitoreo de infraestructura y aplicaciones que ofrece a los equipos de TI modernos la capacidad de supervisar su entorno de TI cada vez más complejo con un solo producto.
Azure Security Center proporciona gestión de seguridad y protección contra amenazas en sus cargas de trabajo en la nube híbrida. Le permite prevenir, detectar y responder a amenazas de seguridad con mayor visibilidad.
Halo Security is an External Attack Surface Management (EASM) platform that helps organizations discover, monitor, and secure their external digital footprint against cyber threats. The solution enables security teams to view their infrastructure from an attacker's perspective, providing continuous visibility into vulnerabilities, exposed assets, and potential security risks across web applications, cloud resources, and third-party services. Halo Security was founded in 2013 and is headquartered in the United States. With a team of experienced security professionals, the company has assisted thousands of organizations in strengthening their security posture. Their fully US-based operations have earned the trust of organizations across various industries seeking to protect their digital assets from evolving cyber threats. The platform combines automated discovery with expert analysis to deliver comprehensive attack surface monitoring, vulnerability detection, and technology identification. Key features include continuous asset discovery that automatically identifies unknown digital resources, real-time alerts for newly discovered vulnerabilities delivered via integrations with dozens of tools, technology fingerprinting to detect potential vulnerabilities in third-party services, and subdomain takeover protection that identifies dangerous DNS misconfigurations before attackers can exploit them. Halo Security empowers organizations to eliminate blind spots in their attack surface, prioritize remediation efforts based on real risk, and secure their external-facing assets against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. The solution solves critical challenges for security teams by providing visibility into forgotten or unknown assets, detecting vulnerabilities in third-party platforms, and alerting teams to changes that introduce security risks. Whether managing a growing digital footprint or meeting compliance requirements, Halo Security provides the visibility and tools needed to maintain a strong security posture in today's complex threat landscape.