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748 Cision PR Newswire Reseñas
Sentimiento General de la Reseña para Cision PR Newswire
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Me encantan las herramientas de gestión de listas. Es muy fácil dirigirse exactamente al tipo de periodistas que queremos que lean nuestro contenido. Aún mejor es el hecho de que se actualiza automáticamente, lo que significa que nunca tengo que preocuparme por tener la información más reciente disponible. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
La interfaz podría ser un poco más atractiva desde una perspectiva estética. No es del todo intuitiva. Se lee más como una base de datos que como un sistema fácil de usar. Especialmente cuando necesito desplazarme por una lista de una pestaña desplegable, ¡es lo peor! Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Your press release can be seen/picked up by any outlet in the regions you choose. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
You can't see who views your release, choose who picks it up, and where it's published. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
The many outlets they use to distribute press releases. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
There is no guarantee that these news outlets will pick up your press releases. So, if they don't, it's waste of money. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en

Buena base de datos sólida de contactos de medios, sistema de distribución fácil de usar y navegar.
También es fácil agregar usuarios para recibir notificaciones por correo electrónico, y en su mayoría, los contactos están actualizados. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
El sistema de distribución se basa en puntos, lo cual es bastante difícil de seguir, especialmente con la liberación de cables. Preferiría simplemente saber que tengo 10 liberaciones de cables en lugar de 172 puntos y luego tener que averiguar qué liberación usar.
Además, los informes podrían necesitar un poco de mejora. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Reasonably up-to-date and efficient for finding people, outlets, interests, and ideas. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
There was a time when browsing volumes of books and media listings sometimes triggered ideas and this is less serendipitous. But I can't really say that I got that much out of the "old school" way. So not a major dislike. Cost is a factor. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
As someone who remembers when all of this information came in BOOKS, I am always delighted when I can pull a list - such as all radio personalities in Phoenix, AZ - in minutes. Sending a distribution is easy. BEST OF ALL - the support staff. They have always, always, always been very patient and walked me through any problems I was having, and they've always resolved every issue.
It's an amazing resource - very thorough and as up-to-date as can be, but of course, no data base is going to be 100%. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
1. You can only have one attachment when you send a distribution - often, I'd like to include a photo or additional piece of background with my release.
2. They are actually very "light" on bloggers. Probably 90% of the bloggers I work with are NOT found on Cision, including some very well-read/successful bloggers. That is OK - as long as you know that any list of bloggers you pull is just scratching the surface.
3. I'd like to be able to narrow my searches more precisely by job title - and I will admit, it's very possible that I am just not using the system right, and there is an easy way to do what I need to do. But I find that if I ask for Radio Stations in Phoenix, AZ covering News - my list back might be very limited. So I search for stations covering everything (when what I really want is just news and on-air personalities), and I get back a list that includes a lot of advertising staff, station management, promotions people, etc. I have to go through the list and delete people I don't want, which can take some time. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en

Gran acceso a la información de contacto de los medios, gran acceso a impresiones únicas mensuales. Excelente para monitorear la cobertura mediática. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Creo que se carga un poco lento cuando intentas seleccionar listas de medios. Tampoco me gusta el límite de 5,000 correos electrónicos en las distribuciones porque es difícil eliminar personas una vez que han sido añadidas. En otras palabras. Si estoy añadiendo listas completas de personas para una distribución y llega a 5,765, no puedo eliminar fácilmente los 765 adicionales. Tengo que eliminar 765 individuos (lo cual es prácticamente imposible), o tengo que empezar de nuevo completamente con la distribución. Creo que eso podría ser mucho mejor. Además, toma demasiado tiempo recibir una distribución de prueba. Sería mejor si eso fuera automático. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
The customer service representatives are very friendly, helpful and prompt. The comprehensive media database has been immensely helpful for pitching stories and contacting outlets. The most helpful feature for us has been the media monitoring-- it's a feature that we have a hard time finding a system we like so this has been great. It seems like most places only offer monitoring for press releases, which is great, but we really do need it for a lot of other times we aren't sending releases.
It is an incredibly powerful tool, and with the right training you can feel confident you're getting the best of the internet. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
As an agency with lot of clients and projects, our media monitoring search terms have gotten out of hand. I've tried to keep them as organized as possible and routinely ask the customer service reps for advice on how to better organize so we aren't getting irrelevant coverage/aren't missing anything, and it seems to get more and more convoluted. I've even asked for training on this topic, and was referred to a webinar that didn't offer any help. This isn't something that I can devote hours upon hours to each day, so it would have been nice to just get the one expert training out of the way. That way I wouldn't have to ask for additional help every single time I ask to update our search terms. I don't like how we can't create folders of Boolean search strings. It would be really helpful if Agents could have multiple folders, or subscriptions they break searches into. That way it would be really quick to find articles by client/topic in Coverage later on. The current system requires a lot of manual filtering.
The price almost prevented us from renewing this year, but we signed on again for a stripped down version that cuts costs. We were very close to signing up with PR Newswire's Agility for a similar price (but not stripped down). Ultimately, I hope to get the best of both worlds once the products merge. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
I'm not sure if I like anything best. It's run of the mill software that meet our needs without any value added. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
They should add social listening in addition to media monitoring. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Once account was set up, it's been easy. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
It was time consuming getting started., but once it was set up it's been overall a good investment. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en