Contract Renewals

por Kelly Fiorini
Discover contract renewal best practices to streamline your business operations. Optimize processes, save time, and ensure compliance.

What are contract renewals?

Contract renewals occur when parties choose to continue with a business contract. In this final phase of the contract lifecycle, the original term comes to an end at a previously set date. Based on guidelines laid out in the original agreement, the contract may automatically renew or it might need to be manually reevaluated and resubmitted. 

The contract renewal phase is an opportunity for a customer to reevaluate whether a service or subscription is working for them. It’s also a time when a company can look to renegotiate terms to improve costs, efficiency, and overall satisfaction for both parties. 

Contract management software can help organizations automate processes and improve workflow at all stages of the contract lifecycle. For subscription-based contracts, many software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies turn to subscription billing software to automate the processes involved in managing contract renewals.

Types of contract renewals

There are two main categories of contract renewals. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. 

Automatic renewals

Start immediately at the end of the previous contract, as outlined in the terms of that agreement. This type of renewal is more efficient for both the company and the customer, but there’s less flexibility in the negotiation of terms. 

Manual renewals

Require initiation by both parties. While it allows both parties the time to review and renegotiate, it can also result in delays and lapsed service.

Why are contract renewals important?

Navigating the contract renewal period in a successful way leads to many benefits for a company. Some of these advantages include the following.

Better business relationships

Renewals present an opportunity to close another deal with an existing client, promoting a sense of reliability and trust. If the contract has been renegotiated to better fit the client’s needs, the client is even more likely to develop a sense of loyalty.

Saves time

Renewing contracts with existing clients saves time versus sourcing new leads and onboarding customers. A company with a better renewal management system is also more efficient in locating contracts, securing digital signatures, and automating billing.

Reduces cost

The time spent looking for leads is often costly as well, resulting in increased ad spend. The more success a company has in the renewal phase, the lower its cost per lead (CPL).

Increase in revenue

A subscription-based service company with an organized approach to renewals has fewer lapsed contracts and more continuous income. 

Contract renewal best practices

When managing contract renewals, keep the big picture and the tiny details in mind. Consider following these best practices within an organization or team.

Contract review

Since the renewal phase occurs at the end of the lifecycle, this is the perfect time to reflect on what worked – and what could be improved. Ask how the terms of the agreement could be changed to better fit the needs of both parties.

Contract organization

Many organizations store contracts in various places, from physical filing cabinets to cloud-based storage and email. Keeping all documents in a single place makes them easy to locate when it comes time for renewals.

Contract deadline management

Keep track of upcoming deadlines for contract expiration dates. If the contract doesn’t auto-renew, initiate contact with customers at least 30 days before that date to start the manual renewal process. This allows plenty of time for both sides to renegotiate and complete the contract without added stress.

Find the right contract management software

As mentioned previously, SaaS companies or others with many contracts to manage should shop for contract management software with the right combination of features. The perfect tool saves time and keeps track of renewals and all other steps of the contract lifecycle. 

Contract renewals vs. contract extensions

These terms are sometimes used interchangeably, but they differ in usage. Contract renewals result in a brand-new contract between two existing parties, although it’s likely very similar to the previous agreement. 

Contract extensions lengthen the period stated in the original contract. The confusion ensues because both result in a continued working relationship between two parties, often in a similar capacity.

Kelly Fiorini

Kelly Fiorini

Kelly Fiorini is a freelance writer for G2. After ten years as a teacher, Kelly now creates content for mostly B2B SaaS clients. In her free time, she’s usually reading, spilling coffee, walking her dogs, and trying to keep her plants alive. Kelly received her Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Notre Dame and her Master of Arts in Teaching from the University of Louisville.

Software de Contract Renewals

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