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por Anindita Sengupta
GIS is a system for collecting, managing, and analyzing geographical data. Our G2 guide can help you understand GIS, how it’s used by industry professionals, and its benefits.

What is a GIS?

A geographic information system (GIS) is used for storing, analyzing, displaying, retrieving, and managing various geographic and spatial data types. This software manipulates spatial data to produce maps and 3D models, assisting the user in identifying patterns and relationships in the GIS data. 

GIS software is used across industries as it is instrumental in facilitating informed decision making by analyzing environmental, topographic, and demographic data. 

Types of GIS

Based on the deployment type, GIS software can broadly be classified into the following:

  • Desktop GIS: Desktop GIS illustrates the real world on a PC or Mac screen, just like physical maps illustrate the world on paper. Such tools are best suited for creating, editing, visualizing, analyzing, and managing geospatial data. This software is slightly more complex than other types of GIS solutions. Desktop GIS is intended for use by professionals with relevant training and experience. A desktop GIS typically can be used by only one user at a given time.
  • Web GIS: Web GIS uses web technology to communicate between a client (e.g., web browser, desktop, or mobile application) and a server. Web GIS solutions are easier to operate compared to their desktop counterparts. Non-traditional users without much expertise in using GIS software can also analyze and draw insights from geographical data using this tool. This tool is available for use by multiple users simultaneously, improving performance and scalability.

Additionally, GIS data can be broadly categorized into the following two types based on their format:

  • Spatial data: Spatial data, also known as geospatial data or geographic information, represent all kinds of data that reference a particular geographical location or area on the earth's surface, directly or indirectly. This data is stored using the following formats—vector and raster.
    • Vector: Vector data contains graphical representations of the real world. The three significant vector data types include points, lines, and polygons.
      • Point data is commonly used to represent data points that are not connected. This kind of data has no dimensions and thus cannot be used to measure length or area. For example, point locations may represent city locations or place names.
      • Line (or arc) data represent linear features that only have one dimension and thus help measure length. Examples of line data would include rivers and streets.
      • Polygons are enclosed areas formed by connecting lines on a map that represent dimensions such as the boundaries of towns and cities, lakes, or forests. This type of data has two dimensions and can be used to measure the area and perimeter of a geographic location.
    • Raster: Raster data contains information presented in a pixel grid. Every pixel within a raster has a value that can denote anything from a unit of measurement to color or information about a particular element. In general, raster refers to imagery, but in terms of spatial analysis, it frequently refers to an orthoimage, which is an aerial photograph or satellite imagery.
  • Attribute data: Attribute data, also referred to as tabular data, contains information linked to the spatial data that describes geographic features. This type of data may be qualitative or quantitative or both in nature and contains graphic information related to a point, line, or area components in a GIS.

Benefits of using a GIS 

GIS software benefits companies of all sizes across industries. With the growing number of GIS users, there has been an increasing interest in and awareness of the value of this tool. Following are some of the benefits that users can reap by deploying this software:

  • GIS mapping: It refers to feeding layers of data to the GIS software to create maps. Maps help users visualize information by transforming data into intelligible information that can be comprehended easily.
  • Environmental monitoring and management: GIS software can assist with effective environmental data analysis and planning. It offers visualization capabilities to view and analyze geographic features and the relationships that impact a given environmental condition. This tool can also display and analyze aerial imagery to provide environmental analysts with landscape data. GIS software can also be used to obtain a clear and comparative view of areas prone to environmental hazards such as floods to allow the concerned departments to take action to safeguard those areas. The tool is instrumental in various areas of environmental management, including air pollution control, disaster management, natural resources management, forest fires management, remedial measures for oil spills, and more.
  • Transportation management: GIS software aids with managing transportation issues. Real-time satellite images of highways display areas experiencing challenges. Feeding environmental data and information on highway structures into the GIS database allows transportation companies to plan and optimize routes quickly. GIS databases also contain information on different transport structures, which help government agencies to roll out regulations and spread public awareness about using certain transport facilities. It also helps to identify accident-prone areas to determine the causes of accidents. 
  • Urban planning: Geospatial data available through satellite imaging and remote sensors simplifies urban planning by enabling users to examine urban areas for planning and development. A GIS platform pulls together vast amounts of information to resolve complex issues such as analyzing the feasibility of a waste disposal site.

Impacts of using a GIS 

The following are some of the impacts of using GIS:

  • Improved decision making: GIS provides the data required to make quick and informed decisions in a comprehensible format. A GIS offers profound insights into data, such as patterns, relationships, and situations helping users make informed decisions.
  • Higher efficiency and cost savings: Availability of geographic insights help in lowering operation costs by facilitating quick decision making and risk management. Real-time data from sensors and location-based analytics from IoT devices provide relevant data to improve efficiency.
  • Organized information: The GIS platform offers an intuitive interface to display information and helps manage large datasets allowing users to organize data, maps, and other vital resources effectively.
  • Improved communication: ​​GIS helps in the creation of interactive maps that assist in storytelling, thereby enabling users to comprehend situations effectively and thus improving communication among various teams, departments, specialties, professional fields, companies, and the public.

GIS vs. location intelligence

Location intelligence or spatial intelligence software is a business intelligence solution that utilizes geographic data such as traffic, weather conditions, and demographics to derive meaningful insights and determine the relationship between objects based on their physical locations. The software helps users draw patterns and identify trends through location analytics using density analysis, distance and travel data, and geospatial mapping for determining terrain.

While GIS and location intelligence software serve similar purposes, there are stark differences between the two. GIS typically makes use of geographic data sets exclusive to the organization. On the contrary, location intelligence software utilizes data from open sources, real-time data, large datasets from devices connected to the internet, sensors, and various sources nonexclusive to the organization. 

Location intelligence software employs a modern approach and new methods to analyze location-related data for predicting trends and enhancing business productivity, while GIS analysis provides a historical snapshot of geographic data. 

The organization doesn’t need an expert to utilize location intelligence tools. The software can readily be used by data scientists, policymakers, analysts, and fieldworkers. GIS software is used mainly by professionals who underwent proper training and certification. 

Anindita Sengupta

Anindita Sengupta

Anindita is a Senior Research Analyst at G2 specializing in cloud technologies, CAD & PLM software, and web hosting services. With over five years of experience in market research, Anindita has a proven track record of tracking, analyzing, sizing, and forecasting the industrial printer and B2B software markets. Her passion for technology and staying up-to-date with the latest software trends makes her an invaluable asset to B2B buyers and sellers of software. When she's not immersed in market research, Anindita loves to read and explore new destinations, constantly fueling her curiosity and creativity.

Software de GIS

Esta lista muestra el software principal que menciona gis más en G2.

Esri ArcGIS conecta mapas, aplicaciones, datos y personas para que puedas tomar decisiones más inteligentes y rápidas. Proporciona a todos en tu organización la capacidad de descubrir, usar, crear y compartir mapas desde cualquier dispositivo, en cualquier lugar, en cualquier momento.

QGIS es una herramienta GIS de código abierto que proporciona capacidades y herramientas para ayudar a visualizar, gestionar, editar, analizar datos y componer mapas imprimibles.

MapInfo Professional es una aplicación poderosa de mapeo y análisis geográfico diseñada para mostrar la relación entre los datos y la geografía de manera visual.

Maptitude Geographic Information System (GIS) software te proporciona las herramientas, mapas y datos demográficos que necesitas para analizar y comprender cómo la geografía te afecta a ti y a tu negocio.

ArcGIS Online es una plataforma de mapeo completa basada en la nube. Hacer y compartir mapas hermosos, y hacer todo lo demás.

Obtén herramientas empresariales avanzadas además de todas las características fáciles de usar e imágenes de Google Earth.

ArcGIS Pro proporciona mapeo profesional en 2D y 3D en una interfaz de usuario intuitiva con visualización, análisis, procesamiento de imágenes, gestión de datos e integración.

GRASS es un paquete GIS de código abierto que proporciona herramientas y programas que pueden ser utilizados para la gestión de datos, procesamiento de imágenes, producción gráfica, modelado espacial y visualización de datos GIS.

GeoHECRAS es una interfaz gráfica de usuario interactiva 2D/3D compatible con AutoCAD, MicroStation y ESRI ArcGIS para el envoltorio de datos del HEC-RAS del Cuerpo de Ingenieros del Ejército de los EE. UU.

ArcGIS Enterprise es una plataforma de mapeo y análisis con todas las funciones que incluye un servidor GIS potente, además de una infraestructura GIS basada en la web dedicada a organizar y compartir su trabajo.

SAGA es la abreviatura de Sistema para Análisis Geocientíficos Automatizados. SAGA proporciona una interfaz de usuario fácilmente accesible con muchas opciones de visualización.

Compañía de producción especializada en adquisición de RED Digital Cinema, animación 3D, gráficos en movimiento, efectos visuales y postproducción HD para video y cine.

Global Mapper es una aplicación GIS asequible y fácil de usar que ofrece acceso a una variedad inigualable de conjuntos de datos espaciales y proporciona el nivel justo de funcionalidad para satisfacer tanto a profesionales experimentados en GIS como a usuarios principiantes.

ArcGIS para AutoCAD es una aplicación complementaria gratuita para AutoCAD que te permite acceder y crear datos GIS al conectarte a servicios de ArcGIS for Server y ArcGIS Online.

Las funciones GIS integradas del MapViewer te permiten mapear instantáneamente cualquier dato apropiado almacenado en PubWorks.

PostgreSQL es un sistema de base de datos objeto-relacional de código abierto y potente.

La plataforma CARTO permite a todos, desde analistas de negocios hasta científicos de datos, convertir datos de ubicación en resultados empresariales.