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por Sagar Joshi
Debugging is the process of fixing errors in a software environment. Discover more about its techniques, its advantages, and how it differs from testing.

What is debugging?

Debugging is a multi-step software procedure that involves locating a problem, tracking its source, and fixing the issue or finding a workaround. The process concludes when the software patch functions correctly. 

The debugging procedure in software development starts when a developer finds a code error and reproduces it. Strategies like unit tests, code review, and pair programming make debugging easier in programs with huge lines of code. To further simplify things, many developers use debugging tools to automate the error-fixing process of applications. 

The ability to debug is a core skill for every developer. A developer capable of effectively finding and eliminating errors and bugs qualifies as a valuable team member.

Common debugging techniques

Clean code is the foundation of any app. Errors and bugs affect the performance and quality of programs. Below are some techniques that developers employ to eliminate bugs and coding errors. 

  • Code inspection is the manual review of a software system's source code to find potential flaws or errors.
  • Debugging tools like debuggers, trace tools, and profilers help developers find and fix mistakes.
  • Unit testing examines individual software system units or components to find bugs.
  • Integration testing studies how various software system components interact to find errors.
  • System testing analyzes the entire software system.
  • Monitoring tracks any peculiar behavior or performance problems that might point to errors in a software system.
  • Logging keeps track of relevant events and messages in the software system.

Advantages of debugging

Debugging eliminates code that can lead to software malfunctioning. Below are a few other advantages of the process. 

  • Better system quality. System quality increases when bugs are found and fixed.
  • Less frequent system downtime. Identifying and resolving errors lead to a more stable software system and less likely to experience outages. 
  • Improved user satisfaction. Finding and fixing bugs in software means it’s more user-friendly and can better meet users' needs.
  • Lower production costs. The time and resources spent to correct bugs post-deployment are reduced.
  • Better security. Debugging minimizes the risk of exploitation by attackers. It makes the software system more secure.
  • Increased understanding of the system. Debugging assists developers in understanding how a software system functions and how various components interact.
  • Simple to test. It is simpler to locate and fix bugs, test the software, and ensure it complies with the requirements and specifications.

Debugging process

A product can’t be entirely error-free all the time, but debugging ensures minimum human error or fewer occurrences of these mistakes. Below are the steps involved in debugging:

  • Define the problem. Ask questions like: what exactly does the program need to do? What problems are discovered? Was there ever a similar issue? Asking questions leads users to hypothesize about the nature of the errors.
  • Keep an eye out for error messages. Error messages reveal the precise nature of the software's issue. When one appears, pay attention to it because it offers many details about what's wrong with the product. 
  • Utilize a debugger. It's simple to find and fix bugs with a debugger, aka a debugging tool or mode. Debuggers allow real-time monitoring, and they spot errors as they happen. While the program is still running, users can pause to identify and investigate any problems and review the code line by line. 
  • Document everything. Document every user's situation and the actions taken to fix it. After documenting the error, developers can begin outlining potential outcomes and fixes. Record all possible actions to decide how to handle the user's mistakes. This makes it easier for the developer to explore various potential solutions.
  • Narrow down the issue. The process of problem localization involves deleting lines of code one at a time until users identify the problem. Although this is a labor-intensive method of locating the error, it can successfully pinpoint precisely what is wrong with the product. Users have to keep going through the process until they find the bugs.
  • Try to reproduce the issue. Developers can determine the nature of the problem by reproducing it. Since developers are working on the analytical skills necessary to identify an issue's root cause, recreating a flaw brings inspiration to write better, cleaner code in general.

Debugging vs. testing

Testing and debugging are different processes.

Debugging vs. Testing

Debugging begins after finding a software bug, whereas testing focuses on finding bugs and errors. Testing is done to make sure the program works as intended and achieves a minimum success rate. Testing comes in various forms, including unit, integration, alpha, and beta. 

It takes a lot of knowledge, expertise, and skill to debug. In contrast to a predefined testing mechanism, debugging is often supported by some automated tools. But it's primarily a manual process as every bug is unique and requires a different approach. Debugging is vital in software engineering because it improves system quality, reduces system downtime, and improves user satisfaction.

Learn more about software testing tools to find errors in an application quickly.

Sagar Joshi

Sagar Joshi

Sagar Joshi is a former content marketing specialist at G2 in India. He is an engineer with a keen interest in data analytics and cybersecurity. He writes about topics related to them. You can find him reading books, learning a new language, or playing pool in his free time.

Software de Debugging

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