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Biometric Authentication

por Brandon Summers-Miller
What is biometric authentication, and why is it important as a software feature? Our G2 guide can help you understand biometric authentication, how it’s used by industry professionals, and the benefits of biometric authentication.

What is biometric authentication?

Biometric authentication is a security measure enterprises employ to confirm the identity of employees, customers, and third parties. Devices such as cameras and fingerprint scanners match pre-recorded biometric data with corresponding biometric factors presented to gain access to devices, applications, and databases. Different types of biometric authentication exist, including facial recognition, fingerprint scans, eye scans, and voice recognition, among others.

As a security measure, biometric authentication software removes the need for tokens or passwords that require manual input, which can be lost, forgotten, or stolen. Biometric security measures have been increasingly integrated into security systems, apps, and smartphones for their irreplaceability. Single sign-on (SSO) technology often employs biometric authentication as part of a multi-factor authentication (MFA) security measure. To be included in G2’s biometric authentication category, biometric factors must be recorded using native device components such as a smartphone’s fingerprint scanner or built-in camera.

Types of biometric authentication

There are several different methods to authenticate digital identities with biometrics, including:

  • Fingerprint scan: Increasingly, smartphones and computer keyboards are constructed with built-in fingerprint scanners to easily record and later authenticate user identities. Fingerprint scans are commonly used to authenticate a user’s identity to make purchases online or log in to accounts.
  • Facial recognition: Software that records and authenticates facial features is often used for MFA purposes, especially when integrated with smartphones for SSO within organizations.
  • Voice recognition: Often used to prevent identity fraud, voice recognition matches pre-recorded audio samples from individuals to vocal imprints recorded at the time assets, data, and physical locations are requested from users. Voice recognition is difficult to spoof, even with the rise of deep fakes and AI.
  • Iris scan: Iris scans are typically recorded with infrared light, which detects the minute and highly differentiated characteristics of an individual’s iris that the naked eye cannot see. Iris scans are one of the most secure forms of biometric data, as it is nearly impossible to have accidental matches across extensive data sets.

Benefits of using biometric authentication

There are several use cases and benefits of using biometric authentication for security purposes, which include: 

  • Heightened security: Employing biometric authentication security measures bolsters an organization’s security posture, as biometric markers are difficult for fraudsters to spoof. Most biometric markers are incredibly individualized, including fingerprints and iris scans. At the same time, AI and deep fakes can’t yet create artificial vocal recordings that sound natural enough to trick voice recognition security measures. For added security, organizations may require multiple biometric factors to authenticate an end user’s identity.
  • End-user convenience: A boon for employees and customers, biometric authentication is a convenient way for end-users to access payment options, company assets, and more. By simply scanning their fingerprint or face from a smartphone or computer, end users can get what they need faster than they would if they had to use a traditional token or password.
  • Non-transferable: Every person’s biometric markers are highly individualized and inextricably linked to their identity. Passwords and tokens can be stolen, but biometric markers are non-transferable.

Biometric authentication best practices

To make biometric authentication effective within an organization, users can follow these best practices:

  • Security integration: It's vital to ensure the organization’s security team, IT professionals, and leadership fully understand the benefits biometric authentication can provide when successfully integrated into a security framework. When considering products for adding a layer of biometric security to the organization, users must ensure they are compatible with their pre-existing security products and services. Often, MFA and SSO products are programmed with built-in biometric authentication capabilities.
  • End-user awareness: End users unfamiliar with biometric security measures or who have never shared their biometric data with an enterprise or software may hesitate to do so the first time. An organization’s leadership and security teams should take the time to explain why these security measures benefit the entire organization and assuage end-users' concerns. Doing so will increase end-user adoption.
  • Technological accessibility and inclusivity: Before deploying biometric authentication measures, teams responsible for their organizations’ asset management, including company computers and smartphones, should confirm that assets in the field have biometric authentication capabilities. This task often falls to IT teams and may require organization-wide upgrades so all end users can benefit from better security.

Biometric authentication vs. identity verification

Biometric authentication should not be confused with identity verification, though “authentication” and “verification” are closely related and often used interchangeably. Adding to the two terms’ conflation is the increased prevalence of identity verification software that records biometric factors.

Identities must be verified before they can be authenticated. Identity verification usually occurs once, and when the end user returns to access protected information, data, and assets, they must authenticate themselves upon their request.

Verification: This term refers to a security system learning the identity proposed to it and confirming that identity belongs to the person proposing it. This is often achieved by verifying multiple credentials, such as a government-issued photo ID, a birth certificate, a Social Security Number, and more, and then recording additional factors, such as facial features. A security system would then be able to match the photo ID to the picture the end user would have been prompted to take and confirm that the person requesting verification is the person in the proposed identity. Another way to think of identity verification is this query: “Who is this person in the real world?”

Authentication: Authentication is the process of recording or presenting unique characteristics or data, including biometric information, to establish that the end user requesting access is authorized. The end user requesting access to an organization’s assets or data authenticates their identity to prove their identity has already been verified and provisioned with the proper credentials to access the requested information. Authentication can be thought of as the following question: “Is this person who they say they are?”

Enterprises and end users should be aware of the types of biometric data collected to authenticate identities. It is essential to understand the numerous use cases this powerful and spoof-resistant technology has while also being aware of the sensitive nature of the data itself. 

When integrating or upgrading biometric authentication capabilities, enterprises must ensure the biometric data used to authenticate end-user identities is as secure as possible.

Brandon Summers-Miller

Brandon Summers-Miller

Brandon is a Senior Research Analyst at G2 specializing in security and data privacy. Before joining G2, Brandon worked as a freelance journalist and copywriter focused on food and beverage, LGBTQIA+ culture, and the tech industry. As an analyst, Brandon is committed to helping buyers identify products that protect and secure their data in an increasingly complex digital world. When he isn’t researching, Brandon enjoys hiking, gardening, reading, and writing about food.

Software de Biometric Authentication

Esta lista muestra el software principal que menciona biometric authentication más en G2.

VeridiumID es una plataforma de software para autenticación biométrica que funciona junto con un SDK móvil de front-end que permite integrar biometría en la aplicación móvil de su empresa.

Las credenciales verificables ahora son Microsoft Entra Verified ID. Presentamos Microsoft Entra, una familia de productos de identidad y acceso multicloud para ayudarle a asegurar el acceso en un mundo conectado.

Sealit protege la información confidencial. Nuestro cifrado Zero Trust sin contraseñas te permite asegurar toda la comunicación sensible con tu equipo y clientes con solo un clic. Sealit se integra perfectamente con Outlook, Gmail y tus sistemas de archivos, permitiéndote continuar trabajando de la manera en que lo haces. Los destinatarios simplemente usan sus datos biométricos para acceder a los mensajes, asegurando que solo los destinatarios deseados puedan acceder a la información confidencial. Sealit está aquí para proteger tu activo más importante: tus datos.

HyID permite una autenticación multifactor fuerte basada en contraseñas de un solo uso, validaciones de parámetros biométricos, ID de hardware del dispositivo y PKI. HyID protege los recursos corporativos del acceso no controlado por usuarios privilegiados y proporciona registros de auditoría detallados sobre quién accedió a qué, desde dónde y a qué hora. El sistema puede generar alertas cuando un acceso por parte de un usuario invalida los umbrales de riesgo establecidos, permitiendo a las organizaciones detectar y prevenir robos de identidad y el uso indebido de derechos de privilegio.

Zengo Wallet es la billetera de criptomonedas para todos. Puedes comprar, intercambiar y ganar BTC, ETH y más (más de 70 de las principales criptomonedas) en una plataforma simple y hermosa. Tiene seguridad a prueba de balas y un soporte al cliente legendario, con agentes de soporte reales disponibles las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana para responder cualquier pregunta. El proceso de autenticación de 3 factores de Zengo asegura que 1) nadie más que tú pueda controlar tus criptomonedas, y 2) tu billetera esté respaldada, por lo que incluso si pierdes tu teléfono, puedes recuperar tus criptomonedas a través de un proceso de verificación de 2 pasos. Aquí está la mejor parte: no hay contraseña que recordar - o olvidar. No hay claves privadas que almacenar - o perder. Zengo reconoce que las personas a menudo representan la parte más débil de una matriz de seguridad, y hemos incorporado eso en el diseño de la billetera. Es magia... y mucha criptografía avanzada :) Aprende más sobre este estándar de seguridad líder en la industria aquí:

Las soluciones empresariales de LastPass ayudan a los equipos y empresas a tomar el control de su gestión de identidad con la gestión de contraseñas, inicio de sesión único (SSO) y autenticación multifactor adaptativa (MFA).

FaceTec proporciona la detección de vida y coincidencia facial 3D biométrica de IA más segura y mejor calificada, anclando la identidad y permitiendo una verdadera autenticación de usuario sin contraseña desde cualquier dispositivo. El software de FaceTec se implementa a través de SDKs de dispositivos y un SDK de servidor para proporcionar una plataforma de autenticación completa con los datos de usuario de los clientes encriptados detrás de sus propios cortafuegos. Una interfaz de usuario patentada y herramientas para desarrolladores se integran fácilmente en cualquier aplicación o página web, permitiendo a cientos de organizaciones en seis continentes utilizar la IA de FaceTec para autenticar a decenas de millones de usuarios y proporcionar la incorporación de nuevas cuentas y acceso continuo a bancos, instituciones financieras y gubernamentales, telecomunicaciones, comercio electrónico, blockchain, redes sociales y más.

Proporcionando soluciones de autenticación segura a tus aplicaciones y sitios web, eliminando contraseñas y OTPs para una experiencia de usuario sin interrupciones.

Administra todos tus gastos: tarjetas corporativas, gestión de gastos, reembolsos, viajes y pago de facturas, en un solo sistema integrado. Tarjetas corporativas Brex: emite tarjetas en moneda local con límites personalizados, políticas integradas y reembolsos en efectivo. Gestión de gastos Brex: gestiona cada tipo de gasto y método de pago, y automatiza la presentación de informes de gastos a nivel global. Viajes Brex: reserva y gestiona viajes con inventario imparcial y soporte de agentes 24/7. Pago de facturas Brex: automatiza todo tu proceso global de cuentas por pagar, desde la factura hasta el pago y la conciliación.

homebase ofrece una solución SaaS de autenticación biométrica dinámica, basada en IA y compatible con GDPR. Se basa en el reconocimiento facial que protege el acceso físico a las estaciones de trabajo mientras se trabaja de forma remota, por ejemplo. Proceso de identificación anónima basado en vectores que forman una identidad biométrica sin almacenar fotos. Garantizando la seguridad de los datos y el deber de supervisión en espacios de trabajo no controlados.

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