what is the best way to provide training to Auto Pipe Softwares

AutoPIPE CONNECT Edition is Bentley’s design and analysis application for calculating piping code stresses, loads, and deflections under static and dynamic load conditions to meet the highest nuclear standards. AutoPIPE’s 3D hot clash detection capability alerts engineers to pipe movement when pipes heat up and prevents costly plant shutdowns. This functionality is also used to avoid piping failures during extreme loading conditions (like earthquakes). AutoPIPE also includes special features for advanced buried pipeline analysis, wave loading, fluid transients, FRP/GRP or plastic pipe, as well as time saving integration with STAAD.Pro® SACS and all plant design systems.
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Seth G.
Director of User Success Bentley Systems
Lo que escribiste suena correcto. En cuanto a la formación, Bentley ofrece formación oficial a través del servidor Learn https://learn.bentley.com/app/Public/ViewLearningPathDetails?lpId=110062 También hay un canal de YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/BentleyPipeStressAnalysis
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