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Carlos F.
Full Stack | Ruby on Rails | React | RSpec | JS

Why Photos app stuck the ram of my computer?

I need to have open activity monitor to kill the process that is running in the background of the operative system. I think that this is the main issue that I've been having a bad experience with because stuck all the OS it would be great to have the last update for el Capitan that fix this issue. I deleted Photos app but the issue stills appearing on the monitor activity. is a subprocess of el Capitan.
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Carlos F.
Carlos F.
Full Stack | Ruby on Rails | React | RSpec | JS
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Hallo Yiyi! Nun, ich erinnere mich nicht an die Komponente, aber wenn du das gleiche Problem hast, öffne einfach deinen Aktivitätsmonitor und dort findest du den Prozess, der viel RAM verwendet, wähle ihn einfach aus und dann beende den Prozess. So habe ich dieses Problem behoben. Grüße!