Al evaluar las dos soluciones, los revisores encontraron que QuestDB es más fácil de usar, configurar y administrar. También prefirieron hacer negocios con QuestDB en general.
Easy setup and lots of community support and tutorials
Puede necesitar más de un servidor o servicio además de complementos para satisfacer las necesidades de monitoreo, para aquellos nuevos en la plataforma es complicado, sus diferentes módulos pueden confundir en su implementación.
I was stunned with the performance and simplicity of QuestDB. I am a developer, I looked at the code base and it looks very clean. Moreover they said they took great care to ensure high stability, which is a great choice in my opinion. I was struck by the...
The QuestDB web console UI is helpful for adhoc exploration, but does not currently have a means of organizing / saving queries, so it gets messy fast. Additionally, some BI solutions (like PowerBI) or downstream applications can't connect to QuestDB's...
Easy setup and lots of community support and tutorials
I was stunned with the performance and simplicity of QuestDB. I am a developer, I looked at the code base and it looks very clean. Moreover they said they took great care to ensure high stability, which is a great choice in my opinion. I was struck by the...
Puede necesitar más de un servidor o servicio además de complementos para satisfacer las necesidades de monitoreo, para aquellos nuevos en la plataforma es complicado, sus diferentes módulos pueden confundir en su implementación.
The QuestDB web console UI is helpful for adhoc exploration, but does not currently have a means of organizing / saving queries, so it gets messy fast. Additionally, some BI solutions (like PowerBI) or downstream applications can't connect to QuestDB's...