Especialmente si trabajas en una presentación de manera colaborativa, no hay mejor producto disponible. Los días de enviar capturas de pantalla de PowerPoint de un lado a otro durante horas deberían haber terminado hace 5 años. Pero finalmente aquí estamos....
Pitch just doesn't have the ease of use that Powerpoint/Google Slides has. Basic formatting is harder, takes longer and has fewer options. I'm unclear whether it's by design or a long term bug, but the text formatting options you want (resize, add...
Grandes servicios de soporte y plantillas para satisfacer cada requisito.
Creating isn't as easy at it should be. Whilst it appears intuitive at first doing simple things isn't easy. Price is high for functionality.
Especialmente si trabajas en una presentación de manera colaborativa, no hay mejor producto disponible. Los días de enviar capturas de pantalla de PowerPoint de un lado a otro durante horas deberían haber terminado hace 5 años. Pero finalmente aquí estamos....
Grandes servicios de soporte y plantillas para satisfacer cada requisito.
Pitch just doesn't have the ease of use that Powerpoint/Google Slides has. Basic formatting is harder, takes longer and has fewer options. I'm unclear whether it's by design or a long term bug, but the text formatting options you want (resize, add...
Creating isn't as easy at it should be. Whilst it appears intuitive at first doing simple things isn't easy. Price is high for functionality.