Al evaluar las dos soluciones, los revisores encontraron que SS&C Blue Prism Intelligent Automation Platform es más fácil de usar. Sin embargo, prefirieron la facilidad de configuración para Microsoft Power Automate junto con la administración. Los revisores acordaron que ambos proveedores facilitan igualmente hacer negocios en general.
Power Automate lets you use drag and drop functions to automate a good chunk of work in the Power/Office application framework without needing to understand code in depth. If you know code, you can use Typescript to add extra customizability to your...
Complex and not user-friendly for beginners; hard to implement for newbie.
Es una plataforma muy utilizada ya que tiene una interfaz escalable y fácil de usar.
Information high level. It enough detail. Did not like standing to eat lunch. An opportunity to sit would have been nice.
Power Automate lets you use drag and drop functions to automate a good chunk of work in the Power/Office application framework without needing to understand code in depth. If you know code, you can use Typescript to add extra customizability to your...
Es una plataforma muy utilizada ya que tiene una interfaz escalable y fácil de usar.
Complex and not user-friendly for beginners; hard to implement for newbie.
Information high level. It enough detail. Did not like standing to eat lunch. An opportunity to sit would have been nice.