Al evaluar las dos soluciones, los revisores encontraron que Rain Retail es más fácil de usar, configurar y administrar. También prefirieron hacer negocios con Rain Retail en general.
Hay tantas formas diferentes de buscar información, que si sabes cómo buscar lo que estás buscando, es fácil ir directamente a ello sin tener que filtrar a través de un montón de información innecesaria. También me gusta cómo las cotizaciones, órdenes y...
The interface of Vend is is behind the times and report functionality is very disappointing i.e. not user friendly or insightful. They have also presented some wacky data over the years which makes me not trust the reports it generates.
I love how easy it is to use. Training was a simple procedure and I enjoy working with support
Poor customer service, owner of the company told me I was being difficult. This was after they missed the go live deadline for 5 months. Of course I was being difficult it's now been 4 times longer than you told me to finish this project.
Hay tantas formas diferentes de buscar información, que si sabes cómo buscar lo que estás buscando, es fácil ir directamente a ello sin tener que filtrar a través de un montón de información innecesaria. También me gusta cómo las cotizaciones, órdenes y...
I love how easy it is to use. Training was a simple procedure and I enjoy working with support
The interface of Vend is is behind the times and report functionality is very disappointing i.e. not user friendly or insightful. They have also presented some wacky data over the years which makes me not trust the reports it generates.
Poor customer service, owner of the company told me I was being difficult. This was after they missed the go live deadline for 5 months. Of course I was being difficult it's now been 4 times longer than you told me to finish this project.