Al evaluar las dos soluciones, los revisores encontraron que LinkedIn Learning es más fácil de usar, configurar y administrar. Sin embargo, prefirieron hacer negocios con Intrepid by VitalSource en general.
I like the flexibility to meet a variety of training needs. As an instructional designer, I love being able to see content in its published form immediately. And I love that training can be better integrated into the work environment where it's supposed to...
- to slow in developping new products - not really mobile friendly, the reactive design doesn't work well - Would be good to have a superuser group to help in the design of new functionalities and to test them - need of a better API integration - lack...
Lynda se ha convertido en mi fuente de aprendizaje en línea preferida durante los últimos dos años. Utilizo Lynda extensamente. Hay dos hechos clave que hacen que Lynda sea única. Primero, puedes esperar encontrar casi cualquier curso. Ya sea sobre...
Nada realmente que haya notado, tal vez un poco más de categorías para elegir.
I like the flexibility to meet a variety of training needs. As an instructional designer, I love being able to see content in its published form immediately. And I love that training can be better integrated into the work environment where it's supposed to...
Lynda se ha convertido en mi fuente de aprendizaje en línea preferida durante los últimos dos años. Utilizo Lynda extensamente. Hay dos hechos clave que hacen que Lynda sea única. Primero, puedes esperar encontrar casi cualquier curso. Ya sea sobre...
- to slow in developping new products - not really mobile friendly, the reactive design doesn't work well - Would be good to have a superuser group to help in the design of new functionalities and to test them - need of a better API integration - lack...
Nada realmente que haya notado, tal vez un poco más de categorías para elegir.