Easy to use, great options available, number of filters available
No poder diseñar fuentes dentro de mi software de diseño favorito me consume mucho tiempo y energía. Esta herramienta ha perturbado mi creatividad. Obstruye mi proceso creativo. En cuanto a desventajas, un área donde Fontself Maker para Illustrator y...
lyphs was obviously born for type design but it is a real vector work environment, with functions concerning anchor points and truly professional handles. Those who are used to working with Illustrator will have no difficulty in handling it. It also allows...
Easy to use, great options available, number of filters available
lyphs was obviously born for type design but it is a real vector work environment, with functions concerning anchor points and truly professional handles. Those who are used to working with Illustrator will have no difficulty in handling it. It also allows...
No poder diseñar fuentes dentro de mi software de diseño favorito me consume mucho tiempo y energía. Esta herramienta ha perturbado mi creatividad. Obstruye mi proceso creativo. En cuanto a desventajas, un área donde Fontself Maker para Illustrator y...