Al evaluar las dos soluciones, los revisores encontraron que eran igualmente fáciles de usar. Sin embargo, GrowFlow es más fácil de configurar, mientras que prefirieron la administración y facilidad de hacer negocios con FloEnvy en general.
Las personas que trabajan en el lado de FloEnvy estaban dispuestas a trabajar más allá de lo necesario para garantizar que las solicitudes e implementaciones de los usuarios se completaran.
The programming leadership/onboarding. The inconsistent and blatantly incorrect data it returns.
Like the customer service from GrowFlow that is amazing experience which I had while talking to them. Visual of analysis that we get which help you to understand online inventory of your products that will you to understand the trend.
You have to really work to figure things out and watch videos
Las personas que trabajan en el lado de FloEnvy estaban dispuestas a trabajar más allá de lo necesario para garantizar que las solicitudes e implementaciones de los usuarios se completaran.
Like the customer service from GrowFlow that is amazing experience which I had while talking to them. Visual of analysis that we get which help you to understand online inventory of your products that will you to understand the trend.
The programming leadership/onboarding. The inconsistent and blatantly incorrect data it returns.
You have to really work to figure things out and watch videos