Al evaluar las dos soluciones, los revisores encontraron que eran igualmente fáciles de usar. Sin embargo, DSMN8 - The Employee Advocacy Platform es más fácil de configurar, mientras que prefirieron la administración y facilidad de hacer negocios con Sociabble en general.
Integration of all articles and the way to compete with other colleges
No tengo ningún problema con DSMN8, es una herramienta que utilizo.
La herramienta es muy intuitiva y fácil de gestionar.
It took about 8 months to turn on and we still do not have a correctly branded experience for employees (nearly a year later). While sold as a platform for employee social media advocacy, Sociabble is really built for internal communications. We wanted to...
Integration of all articles and the way to compete with other colleges
La herramienta es muy intuitiva y fácil de gestionar.
No tengo ningún problema con DSMN8, es una herramienta que utilizo.
It took about 8 months to turn on and we still do not have a correctly branded experience for employees (nearly a year later). While sold as a platform for employee social media advocacy, Sociabble is really built for internal communications. We wanted to...