Al evaluar las dos soluciones, los revisores encontraron que Document360 es más fácil de usar, configurar y administrar. Sin embargo, prefirieron hacer negocios en general con KnowledgeOwl.
The best feature, by far, has been the ability to upload a Word document to create an article. If the Word doc is properly formatted with heading Document 360 has the option to parse out each section as its own "step"/article. Authoring time is...
I dislike that when I am editing an article, the cursor jumps at the beginning of it and I can't see what I am editing. I must scroll back down to see it.
Me encanta la flexibilidad de la aplicación, el soporte y, lo más importante, cómo me ayuda a resolver problemas de comunicación. Me encanta lo ágil que es la aplicación y cómo están haciendo mejoras increíbles constantemente. También es extremadamente...
I do not like that pasting is not a seamless process and keeping/changing formatting upon doing so is very difficult. Countless times I've lost work when creating content because I've had to move away from Knowledge Owl and was logged out and this work was...
The best feature, by far, has been the ability to upload a Word document to create an article. If the Word doc is properly formatted with heading Document 360 has the option to parse out each section as its own "step"/article. Authoring time is...
Me encanta la flexibilidad de la aplicación, el soporte y, lo más importante, cómo me ayuda a resolver problemas de comunicación. Me encanta lo ágil que es la aplicación y cómo están haciendo mejoras increíbles constantemente. También es extremadamente...
I dislike that when I am editing an article, the cursor jumps at the beginning of it and I can't see what I am editing. I must scroll back down to see it.
I do not like that pasting is not a seamless process and keeping/changing formatting upon doing so is very difficult. Countless times I've lost work when creating content because I've had to move away from Knowledge Owl and was logged out and this work was...