Al evaluar las dos soluciones, los revisores encontraron que Causal es más fácil de usar, configurar y administrar. Sin embargo, prefirieron hacer negocios en general con Pigment.
- Soporte rápido a un humano real en una interfaz de chat - fácil de estructurar modelos - el modelado de cohortes es nativo y muy útil - la creación de gráficos es rápida, y los resultados son atractivos - puedes construir y compartir un Panel...
Hard to input data from copy paste in excel when not pasting directly in T-O. e.g. model starts in Oct 2022, and I want to paste input data into Jan 2023 and won't let me do it. Hard to audit / know if aggregations are done properly when putting...
As a tool, Pigment shines where Excel, Google Sheets, Anaplan, Planful, Adaptive Insights, and other tools do not. It's an open playground with only as much structure as is needed to ensure data hygiene and model integrity. In this playground, you can...
- Soporte rápido a un humano real en una interfaz de chat - fácil de estructurar modelos - el modelado de cohortes es nativo y muy útil - la creación de gráficos es rápida, y los resultados son atractivos - puedes construir y compartir un Panel...
As a tool, Pigment shines where Excel, Google Sheets, Anaplan, Planful, Adaptive Insights, and other tools do not. It's an open playground with only as much structure as is needed to ensure data hygiene and model integrity. In this playground, you can...
Hard to input data from copy paste in excel when not pasting directly in T-O. e.g. model starts in Oct 2022, and I want to paste input data into Jan 2023 and won't let me do it. Hard to audit / know if aggregations are done properly when putting...