Al evaluar las dos soluciones, los revisores encontraron que eran igualmente fáciles de usar. Sin embargo, es más fácil de configurar y administrar. También prefirieron hacer negocios con en general.
Herramienta confiable. También fácil de usar. No se necesita capacitación.
BeeFree seemed promising as an email template designer when we first started using it. However, after two years of hassle-free experience, we were blindsided with a £200 bill for usage fees. The worst part was that we received no prior notification of this...
Es difícil encontrar un creador de plantillas decente que no intente imponer su propio servicio de correo electrónico. Stripo es totalmente opuesto. Hace un trabajo bien: te permite crear plantillas de buen aspecto y luego importarlas al servicio de correo...
The tool is sometimes challenging to work with. Particularly the way the structures and content pieces move is not always super intuitive. I'm often scratching my head trying to figure out how to navigate. We've also experienced HTML export issues with SF...
Herramienta confiable. También fácil de usar. No se necesita capacitación.
Es difícil encontrar un creador de plantillas decente que no intente imponer su propio servicio de correo electrónico. Stripo es totalmente opuesto. Hace un trabajo bien: te permite crear plantillas de buen aspecto y luego importarlas al servicio de correo...
BeeFree seemed promising as an email template designer when we first started using it. However, after two years of hassle-free experience, we were blindsided with a £200 bill for usage fees. The worst part was that we received no prior notification of this...
The tool is sometimes challenging to work with. Particularly the way the structures and content pieces move is not always super intuitive. I'm often scratching my head trying to figure out how to navigate. We've also experienced HTML export issues with SF...