Al evaluar las dos soluciones, los revisores encontraron que Albacross es más fácil de usar, configurar y administrar. Además, prefirieron hacer negocios en general con Albacross.
Facilidad de uso, mejores resultados que otros.
Sometimes data is not super accurate or is missing (for example the location of a company may be wrong, or the phone numbers may be missing or not updated), but having to manage a database of thousands of companies, this is understandable.
Clearbit was a hole-in-one for us. We wanted a nice add-on solution for enriching leads that were going to salesforce. Clearbit delivered that, and more, with no BS.
People input their personal emails. Clearbit's personal email data is lacking.
Facilidad de uso, mejores resultados que otros.
Clearbit was a hole-in-one for us. We wanted a nice add-on solution for enriching leads that were going to salesforce. Clearbit delivered that, and more, with no BS.
Sometimes data is not super accurate or is missing (for example the location of a company may be wrong, or the phone numbers may be missing or not updated), but having to manage a database of thousands of companies, this is understandable.
People input their personal emails. Clearbit's personal email data is lacking.