Al evaluar las dos soluciones, los revisores encontraron que Vyond es más fácil de usar, configurar y administrar. También prefirieron hacer negocios con Vyond en general.
Usar audio pregrabado facilitó dar vida a los personajes mediante la sincronización labial.
If it didn't come with the creative cloud, I would have probably never opened it. I just think there are better, more professional tools to do the same thing, but featuring more control. I would like to see the ability for more fine-tuning.
You do not have to have any artistic talent, nor do you need any programming/coding knowledge or experience. Using Vyond is a simple "drag-and-drop", but the end result is a high-quality, fun user experience. It's a great tool to create "advertisements" for...
Los planes del producto son muy engañosos. Una vez que te inscribes en un plan de $39/mes, te das cuenta rápidamente de que esto es completamente inútil, ya que ponen el logo de su empresa en tu video. Te ves obligado a actualizar a más del doble, $89/mes....
Usar audio pregrabado facilitó dar vida a los personajes mediante la sincronización labial.
You do not have to have any artistic talent, nor do you need any programming/coding knowledge or experience. Using Vyond is a simple "drag-and-drop", but the end result is a high-quality, fun user experience. It's a great tool to create "advertisements" for...
If it didn't come with the creative cloud, I would have probably never opened it. I just think there are better, more professional tools to do the same thing, but featuring more control. I would like to see the ability for more fine-tuning.
Los planes del producto son muy engañosos. Una vez que te inscribes en un plan de $39/mes, te das cuenta rápidamente de que esto es completamente inútil, ya que ponen el logo de su empresa en tu video. Te ves obligado a actualizar a más del doble, $89/mes....