Recursos de Software de IoT Industrial
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Artículos de Software de IoT Industrial
What Is a Cobot? New Age of Automation and Collaboration
Job-stealing robots are the worst nightmare for most workers. But not all robots are out to steal your job.
por Piper Thomson
What Is Predictive Maintenance? Benefits and Technologies
Any alarming sound from your machinery may also be alarming for your bank account.
por Harshita Tewari
2021 Trends in E-Commerce and Industry 4.0
This post is part of G2's 2021 digital trends series. Read more about G2’s perspective on digital transformation trends in an introduction from Michael Fauscette, G2's chief research officer and Tom Pringle, VP, market research, and additional coverage on trends identified by G2’s analysts.
por Gabriel Gheorghiu
How Industry 4.0 Will Change Project Management
Project management software and methodologies are a form of automation that has been used in business for nearly 50 years. New technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) have the potential to automate project management—but, how far will they go?
por Gabriel Gheorghiu
How Will the Fourth Industrial Revolution Impact Remote Work?
When we think about remote work, we usually imagine employees performing the same tasks they complete in the office at home. This means that anyone who works in a physical environment such as a warehouse, manufacturing facility, or retail store cannot work remotely.
por Gabriel Gheorghiu
How Project-Based Software Helps Companies
Most tasks we do at work are either process or project-based. Processes are made of repetitive tasks that we do repeatedly, with little to no variation. Project work can vary significantly from one project to another and can change based on internal or customer requirements.
por Gabriel Gheorghiu
How SMBs Can Benefit from Industry 4.0
Most Industry 4.0 success stories mention large multinational companies such as GE or ABB.
por Gabriel Gheorghiu
The Pros and Cons of Different Automation Types
The concept of automation is straightforward: create tools that perform tasks with minimal human involvement. And the motivation for more automation is simple: Companies can do more with less. “More” means companies can sell and deliver a higher volume of products and services than ever before. “Less” refers to the fact that, thanks to automation, fewer resources are required.
por Gabriel Gheorghiu
The G2 on Industry 4.0: Understanding Industrial Revolution on a Global Scale
If you work in manufacturing or supply chain, you’ve probably heard of Industry 4.0. While the term may be used together with buzzwords like digital transformation, interconnectivity, or end-to-end value chain, Industry 4.0 refers to a new industrial revolution.
por Gabriel Gheorghiu
How Business Digital Transformation Works In The Real World
Business digital transformation is a buzzword that is misused and not completely clear. For instance, the Wikipedia definition is incomplete and vague: “Digital Transformation (DT) is the use of new, fast-changing digital technology to solve problems often utilizing cloud computing, reducing reliance on user-owned hardware but increasing reliance on subscription-based cloud services.”
por Gabriel Gheorghiu
Términos del Glosario de Software de IoT Industrial
Discusiones de Software de IoT Industrial
Pregunta sobre: Andonix
What is Smart Work Station used for?What is Smart Work Station used for?
Es principalmente una herramienta donde puedes recopilar y mostrar datos para ser utilizados en tiempo real por el usuario final para ayudarles a mejorar su rendimiento. El aspecto clave a considerar es el método de recopilación de datos, puede hacerse de forma manual o automatizada. Se recomienda encarecidamente explorar la opción automatizada.
Pregunta sobre: Exosite ExoSense IoT
What is Exosite ExoSense IoT used for?What is Exosite ExoSense IoT used for?
ExoSense es utilizado por organizaciones para monitorear y gestionar equipos y máquinas. Al aprovechar ExoSense, pueden obtener acceso en tiempo real a cómo está funcionando el activo, usar lógica de transformación y reglas para alertar sobre cambios de estado, gestionar condiciones y observar datos históricos, incluyendo el uso de herramientas de ML/IA y Ciencia de Datos.
Las empresas de productos y los OEMs a menudo utilizan ExoSense para proporcionar servicios a sus clientes, ya sea con mantenimiento directo y/o proporcionando recomendaciones sobre la operación y el mantenimiento del activo.
Las empresas, fabricantes y servicios públicos pueden aprovechar ExoSense para mejorar el rendimiento, encontrar formas de reducir costos, optimizar equipos y mantenimiento, y tener una mejor comprensión de cómo se está operando el equipo.
Algunos ejemplos de activos y procesos conectados a ExoSense incluyen:
- Bombas, Equipos Rotativos, Válvulas, Unidades de Potencia Hidráulica (HPUs)
- Máquinas de Fábrica
- Vehículos de Construcción, Comerciales y de Servicios Públicos
- Motores Diésel de Generación de Energía a Gran Escala
- Sensores Ambientales Agrícolas
- Baterías Eléctricas, Equipos de Carga, Generación de Energía Alternativa
- Procesos de Manufactura
- Sensores (Con Cable/Inalámbricos): Nivel de Tanque, Flujo, Temperatura, Presión, Calidad del Aire, etc.
Informes de Software de IoT Industrial
Grid® Report for Industrial IoT
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Grid® Report for Industrial IoT
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