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Will my team need to do any development when implementing Cherwell? 

Will my team need to do any development when implementing Cherwell? 
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Cherwell Service Management
Official Response
Cherwell Service Management
Loren d.
Senior Product Marketing Manager
Not at all! Cherwell's codeless configuration helps you accelerate the creation and editing of dashboards, service portals, forms, process workflows, task automation, searches, and more. Our codeless drag-and-drop configuration is complemented by selective low-code capabilities such as using a RESTful API command to perform remote actions.  The Cherwell platform works by reading metadata configuration files that determine which services, processes, and supporting elements are being delivered by the platform. By using graphical tools to configure, edit, and create, Cherwell controls the writing and managing of the resulting metadata files. This reduces the overall administrative complexity of managing configurations, especially when you have multiple extensions, integrations, and custom workflows. It also ensures portability across deployment options (on-premises, SaaS, public cloud) and dramatically simplifies upgrades. This approach starkly contrasts developer or programmer-managed techniques for configuring and customizing a service desk. 
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