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Digital Media Coordinator & Graphic Designer

What other things do use Indesign for, besides designing a catalog.

I use Indesign mainly fro catalog design, but are there are things to use this software for to design things that I haven't thought of?
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In addition to using Indesign for catalogs, I use it for flyers, brochures and even web banners. I used to design web ads primarily with Photoshop, but I prefer the freedom and flexibility of Indesign's layout capabilities. Indesign also has some robust web design templates for those who are unsure what size they need. Sometimes; however, if I need to create a gif file I will just import my completed png or jpg from Indesign to Photoshop. Indesign is also really good for indexing once you figure out how it works.
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Christopher C.
Lead Artist / General Manager at Images2Icons Graphic Arts Studio
You can use Indesign for many other things than catalogs. You can create magazines, newsletters and brochures, as well as interactive documents with rich media and export to an SWF file for playback using Adobe Flash player or you, can create interactive PDF documents.
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workone at workone
Yes there is if need more help let me know thank you have a nice day blessings
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Anton E.
Senior Graphic Designer
Hi, checkout the interactivity side of Indesign, I’ve previously produced a iPad magazine, interactive PDFs etc. You need Adobe Digital Publishing Suite (DPS) for iPad mag to go live (expensive), but play around with object states it’s quite fun and you can use preview to see how things work. There’s a cool download for a object states assistant at Also use it for a lot of automation, running scripts etc.
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Adrienne L.
Graphic Artist at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital and Owner, Veata Design
InDesign is a layout program. So anything that you need to organize on a flat visual surface is game. I try to use InDesign for layout only and other Adobe programs for their strengths as well. (Illustrator for vector images, Photoshop for image modification, etc.) . InDesign is great at quickly altering text as you can set style sheets and character attributes. For me, that's one if IDs best strengths.
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ashlea s.
Photographer at Ashlea snell LLC
I create magazines for my brides and also I create flyers. You can really make anything w it h indesign.
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Alan G.
Creative Director, G&G Creative
I don't know what you've already thought of. :) Here is a selection of things we make using InDesign: * Books (design and typography) * Billboards and other outdoor advertising displays * Trade show booth graphics and murals * Stationery, including business cards * Magazine and newspaper advertisements * Advertising handouts * Banners and signs * Step-and-repeat backdrops To broaden your horizons a bit and find out all the neat things InDesign can do (and how to do them!), check out and the InDesign Secrets podcast. The InDesign Secrets group on LinkedIn is another great resource.
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