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What is the use of Inxeption?

What is the use of Inxeption?
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Inxeption specializes in the entire industrial commerce process – from sourcing and financing to final delivery. This expertise powers the industrial marketplace: a tailored experience that facilitates transactions among industrial businesses selling products and services to end users. What does that mean? Take solar panels. Solar installers have traditionally priced out panels on numerous websites, secured bank financing, and then ordered and tracked goods via emails and phone calls. Talk about inefficient. For installers, Inxeption is a one-stop, e-commerce shop. They buy panels on the marketplace with industry-leading financing, tracking the shipments on Inxeption’s SuperApp, then returning to the marketplace to restock using Inxeption Easy Order. Instead of worrying about sourcing, financing and shipping, they can keep their focus on keeping residential and commercial customers happy.
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