Nuwan Madushanka H.
MITACS Internship at Manitoba Hydro

What is the best way to compare two waveforms?

When two waveforms are generated from two equivalent simulation models, with different time bases, what is the process which can be taken to compare the two waveforms for accuracy?
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Nuwan Madushanka H.
MITACS Internship at Manitoba Hydro
In my opinion, you can export the waveform data to a spreadsheet as a CSV file and then use some kind of graphing tool to plot the saved data. Any shifts associated with the waveform can be accounted for by manipulating the CSV file where you can shift the time data. This will produce a graphical comparison. If a more numerical solution is desired, one can try to interpolate data to match timesteps of all simulations and get the difference at intersecting time step intervals.
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