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What is Salesforce and CRM?

What is Salesforce and CRM?
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Mohammad Fahad A.
Blogger | Affiliate Marketer | Freelance Writer
Salesforce and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) are two of the most important tools in today's business world. Salesforce is a cloud-based customer relationship management platform, enabling businesses to manage their customer data, sales processes, and marketing activities with ease. CRM is an essential technology solution that helps organizations track customer interactions and store customer data in one centralized system. Using Salesforce and CRM together can help companies gain powerful insights into their customers and make informed decisions about how they can better serve them. It also allows them to automate tasks such as tracking leads, managing contacts, creating reports, and more. With these tools, businesses can quickly identify areas of improvement in their operations as well as potential opportunities for growth. Ultimately, combining Salesforce and CRM helps organizations build strong relationships with customers while increasing efficiency and profitability.
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Asif P.
Senior Salesforce Developer at Dazeworks Inc
Salesforce is a crm tool which helps in marketing, service, sales, commerce etc from anywhere. Crm is a technology which manages all type of relationship in the company and interaction with customers and new customers.
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Chief Information Officer
Salesforce is a CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) out of the box. However, it is also a Platform for developing custom workflow-based solutions that go well beyond simple contact management. It is also an ecosystem, with many third-party add-ons that allow users to do specialized work using their Salesforce data and user interface. I like to think of Salesforce as huge box of Lego bricks with pre-defined elements that can be followed to the letter, but can also be broken down and leveraged in unique and creative ways.
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