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What is Mygrow used for?

What is Mygrow used for?
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Antoinette W.
For me, it was to put my values back in perspectives. I realised life is more than just my career. I need to enjoy time out. I have the right to enjoy time out and do things I enjoy. When I am happy, I am in a better position to help those around me and in particular my students. This hit home to me the other day. I have been missing a lot of school as my father was very ill. A Grade 12 pupil was rather concerned I had been away so much school. He asked me if I was in a good place, because he said, if I was not mentally well, my pupils will not be mentally well. He told me, my well-being filters down on to their well-being. So, yes, MyGrow really helped me appreciate that.
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