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What is Bubble used for?

What is Bubble used for?
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Shane A.
Professional Services Strategic Advisor | Board Advisor | Software and Services Executive
The building of web based applications via an interface very different than code. It is an interface that almost anyone can pick up. If you have a coding background, it helps, but as long as you can think logically you can build something. It houses all of the key elements you need when building applications like this. The database, the UX, the workflow logic (front end and back end) all in one place. The only issue is that the no code approach can suck you in to thinking that security is just as easy as the development, but unfortunately, security is always complicated. You do need to pay attention to how your network is managed, how your data is stored, where API keys are stored etc. They now have an add on service called Flusk which does a good job of pointing you in the right direction, but it can also be a little overwhelming as it points out things that may not be vulnerabilities at alll. Be warned though. Historical evidence has shown that they raise prices without warning, have implemented a workload charging model that is completely arbitrary and claim compliance in all sorts of frameworks yet they are not. A lot of their people are nice and their support is good, but the company runs like a cheap watch. You can't build a real solution without utilizing "plug ins" from partners who have no obligation to meet a quality benchmark. My recommendation is that the platform is great for getting your idea up and running and then if you decide to use it commercially, make sure you get a professional to help you "harden" it so that it be used publicly.
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