What are the Waydev metrics?

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Official Response
Alex C.
CEO & Co-Founder at Waydev
Impact - is a metric which shows you how much "cognitive load" did the engineer carry when developing these changes. For calculating it, we give each commit a score based on how much new work, legacy refactor, help others and churn did the programmer and, besides, we look at how many files did he modified and the points where these changes had been made. Commits/Day - is a metric which shows you how much does your team push code on a daily basis. It is the ratio between total commits pushed by the entire team and the number of days with git activity on your project. A commit, or "revision", is an individual change to a file (or set of files). An Active Day is a day in which an engineer pushed code to the project, even if it is new work, legacy refactor, help others or churn code.
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