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What animation software do you recommend to combine with this software?

With what 3D animation software does Celsys have? Be satisfied with the blender studio clip to use 3D modeling, I just wanted to know what options they have
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Roger A W.
Business Development at Uptycs
I'm not really sure I'm the right one to answer this but here's what I know for what it's worth. The EX version is a fully loaded animation software package already. That SHOULD be all you need to do basic animation. I have the Pro version currently (The EX version is an upgrade....about $150 on top) which allows me to make a 3 second, 24 frame animation w/out sound. I've experimented with it to see if it is something I can do (It is) see if it's easy to use (it is) and see if I would consider upgrading as a result (I am) It's a low cost, highly functional solution. I would recommend it fully aware that there may be better more robust solutions out there.
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