How does the travel integration process looks like

Travel Integration
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Mobilexpense MXP
Official Response
Mobilexpense MXP
Nicu E.
Digital transformation | T-shaped marketer | Value Investor
Our Travel Connect integration comprises the following components: - Profile synchronization: user profiles created in MobileXpense automatically create corresponding profiles in the online booking tool with all the information directly managed by the customer. These are, in turn, also synchronized with MobileXpense (typically, private information such as meal or seat preferences and loyalty cards are managed directly by the user in the online booking platform, not within MobileXpense). - Single Sign-On automation to connect to the OBT directly from MobileXpense. - Transmission of actual booking information to MobileXpense. - Automatic creation of the travel plan; creation of the expense report to automatically collect expense transactions relating to the journey and generation of the daily allowance claim and, optionally, the related cash advance. - Reconciliation of the lodge card data with the original booking. Travel connect is available for Egencia and can be easily developed for all OBTs, provided these have the necessary connectors on their end for the above components.
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