What kind of training/education is offered?

Training and Support
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Official Response
Sarah H.
Senior Product Marketing Manager at OnSolve
OnSolve provides initial and ongoing training to our customers. We offer ongoing web training for initiators, (those that create and send out notifications), Administrators (those that configure the system), and System Initiators (those that upload recipient data into the system). Our team of highly-knowledgeable training technicians will be with you every step of the way to answer questions and walk your team through every aspect of your OnSolve solution. Our online training generally takes a couple of hours to fully prepare authorized users to use the application. Dealing with a critical situation is stressful enough, we make alerting easy. Administrators will receive an in-depth training course that covers all of the functionality of their solution. Depending on the number of administrators and locations of the organization, there may be several two-hour training sessions. In addition, we provide group manager training, new features or updates and refresher courses every month at no charge.
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