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What does SEO software do?

What does SEO software do?
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Monty B.
Better question is what doesn't it do? Here is my take on anything I use as a Digtal Marketer that I hope aids others. All your going to do by showimg all your tools at your disposal is drown the common person in facts they don't understand much less recognize language. You are then just copying the same tactics that the other firms are delivering and then quoting a price. that doesn't close anything and puts you right in the middle of invisibilty with rest of sheep your running with. Use The Complete SEO to show before and after results from a client with a testimonial. Step outside the box and you will stand out. I don't start any new client by emulating my competitors because you cannot scale that way. Sale the Result, don't sell the method. Prove it with stats and watch your business scale new heights as never before. Ask for three months up front for "Content Only". In my case I bring up the amount in the "Make An Appontment" area of my link to my calendar when I outline a few questions to ask themselves before they set an appontment to see if we are a "good fit" for one another. I ask them if they are prepared to put back $16,000 for three months toward their goalof outpacing and bcoming Masters over their competition. If not then we aren't going to be a fit. This separates people who aren't able to make that financial commitment at this time. I gave effectively removed unqualified prospects and essentialy provide qualified prospects who are contacting me. So, The Complete Seo assists me in being on top of my game at a cost that is more than fair. What does the software do? It offers you success! Monty
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