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What is SMTP2GO used for?

What is SMTP2GO used for?
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Lukas W.
Business Development Manager and Head of Support for SMTP2GO
There are a lot of customers that find our service useful: Small business - they've outgrown their ISP email limitations and need to send more transactional but also small marketing runs, and get their scan to email working on their photocopier. Medium-large and Enterprise - their transactional email needs have grown too much to handle in house and they need this outsourced. Miscellaneous hardware - older/legacy devices, security and trail cameras, MFP devices for scanning to email features, Arduino/Raspberry PI users, and backup system notifications, etc MSPs and other IT service providers - these providers resell the SMTP2GO service to their clients and manage them all from a single dashboard. Education - schools love us as we our billing system is flexible to allow for PO/Check as well as more up to date payment types. Non profit schools may also be eligible for special pricing.
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