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What are the features of project management?

What are the features of project management?
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Juan  S.
Every project is different, however, there are 5 main factors a project manager should keep in mind when taking on a new task. Planning and scheduling Track time Reporting Budget Billing and quotes BPM tools such as SwevenBPM are designed to track every Work Order (project) so that traceability can be achieved at any level (specially cost tracking). Knowing how to properly break down a project is not a complex task, and it doesn't have to follow any special rules, it's just what works best for you. In a platform like Sweven, once you set up your own structure, everything else is set to help you keep track of your work at any level. Sweven is a cloud-based management platform which allows fluid management and monitoring of your business processes. Clients and vendors can receive work orders instantly on mobile and desktop devices for efficient coordination of the work performed.
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