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Does Final Cut X have a place with recommended plugins or like it's own app store? I purchase some every once in a while but I figured it might be easer to see what is recommended. Also, is there a way to clear storage simply? I always end up having to delete original media in my event which then ruins my projects.
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Michael B.
You have a few questions. First, there's not an "apple store" for FCPX plugins. Different companies will usually offer plugins for multiple programs on their own website. The only plugin I will recommend now is called Film Convert. It is a film emulation plugin that lets you have a multitude of options from 35mm film grain to super 8mm film grain, different kodak and fujifilm stock looks, and really makes it easier to match footage from multiple cameras. Your second question on clearing storage simply... what's likely happening is your render files take up a lot of space. When I'm done with a project I will delete all generated library render files. Where I work I have my footage on a server, so I never transfer the files into my original media. I choose the option to keep media in place on the server instead of putting them on my computer.
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