David A.
Chemical Engineering | Dispatcher at PPMC | Business Marketer | Tech Savvy

Is there a way to use Robly offline?

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Kevin W. M.
I help clients find their purpose and give it more profitable expression–to be on-purpose.
Yes and No. Yes, because you can set up a mailing campaign and schedule it to send at any time regardless of whether your are logged in. Yes, for email template set-up, but why? You could create a custom template and mailing offline and then import it into Robly. Practically speaking, why bother. The online template and custom offerings are simple to use. No. Robly is SaaS (Software as a Service) that is designed for online use. It is also sending out emails on your behalf so it has to connect to the internet at some point to accomplish what your want it to do. Hope this helps @DavidAfe Be On-Purpose! Kevin
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John R.
John R.
President of Final Turn Corp.
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Not sure what you're going to do offline. But..... I've used other "well rated" email marketing companies in the past. Robly has been the best!