Is it possible to make it so that in the future, it is possible to convert old buildings to your pr-

I would finish that question, but this garbage review site won't let me. Anyway, what I would see as a big improvement to this product, would be if you could (per building) decide to convert it to your project. Now obviously Cityplanner wouldn't know the specific specs of the building, only the footprint and height. But maybe a feature could be that if you click on a button on a building to add it, a menu would pop up. This would ask about the specifics of the building (like how many apartments does the building have, what is the average size of an apartment, etc). If a person doesn't know a specific detail, cityplanner could have an option to estimate the variables (with like a small pop-up that says that it's just an approximation, and doesn't claim to know the exact measurements). This way the calculations for the amount of living space and stuff would be correct in the software (instead of that you have to manually add them after the program has calculated the numbers). Oh look at that, another character limit. Sorry I wanted to give you guys feedback, but im not allowed to
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3D Cityplanner
Official Response
3D Cityplanner
Anne D.
3D Tools for Urban Development
We didn't see this comment earlier, so this comment comes a bit late. You are describing is a good feature. I will ask the developers to look into it. I think it should be possible.
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