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Is Framer better than Figma?

Is Framer better than Figma?
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Marlon B.
UX Designer
Not just better, but different. We designers would happily remain in the creative sphere of suffering from what I call "messy desk syndrome", when it comes to the creative impulse, we generate artboards, canvases, documents and asset with reckless abandon. I can attest to having no time left after an assignment to consider how to improve the process, bridge the gap between fellow UX members and with UI teams for handoff, before the next one begins. (I'm not talking about learning to code, just learning responsive layout, Aria / Alt-Tag accessibility, and CSS at a minimum, which would be something to round out your career profile anyway). If you are a designer at a mid to large scale organization that doesn't have a standard process for shipping consistent features and products, then you will want to evaluate Framer on the basis that it is a new way forward that bridges the gap between silos, improves collaboration, handoff and most important, communication. It doesn't allow you to create infinite messes as with Sketch or Figma. When designers are thinking in terms of asset and component organization, responsive and accessible ways with their page layouts and interaction problems, centralized components with atomic principles, it just engages the UI team in ways that help forces us to stay in sync and produce higher quality output that is closer to the intended vision. We can readily produce a prototype on a moments notice, because Framer enforces more structure upon designers, somewhat more like real development. I would never turn back to working the old way in a 2d drawing application like Sketch, Figma or Illustrator, it just allows team members to create a mess which nobody but themselves can decipher. Framer requires a new way of working, but it is well worth biting the bullet so that all can prosper and blaze a trail ahead of the competition. We design using the same charting libraries in Framer like ReCharts and Charts.JS, as in our production code, there is never any doubt about how things should look and work. After two years of investment into this tool for our prototyping needs and design system collaboration, it has been a real game changer, both for my career personally and the org.
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