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What are the features of statistical software?

What are the features of statistical software?
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Ziaul H.
Process Specialist at IDP Education
SPSS features Advanced statistics Use univariate and multivariate modeling for more complex analyses. Regression Predict categorical outcomes and apply nonlinear regression procedures. Custom tables Summarize large data sets easily. Exact tests Reach more accurate conclusions with small samples and rare occurrences. Bootstrapping Approximate the sampling distribution of an estimator by resampling the original dataset. Missing values Uncover missing data patterns, estimate summary statistics, and input missing values. Data preparation Streamline data preparation for more efficient analysis and more accurate conclusions. Categories Predict outcomes and reveal relationships using categorical data. Forecasting Build time-series forecasts regardless of your skill level. Decision trees Use decision trees and classification to identify relationships and predict outcomes. Complex samples Analyze statistical data and interpret survey results for complex samples. Neural networks Discover complex relationships and improve predictive models. Conjoint Understand and measure purchasing decisions better. Direct marketing Easily identify the right customers and improve campaign results.
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