How do Use Referral option

When you are signing up an account, they request for referral codes and would like to know how to use the feature and how it works
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Head Marketing
To do so, you need to find a friend, relative, family member and tell them about Appnomu, once they register, request them to use your customer number as referral code, upon doing so, you will be given UGSHS200 after your client registering, if she or he takes a loan and pays back, you will be given USHS500 and when he or she saves 50K to 200K you will be given 5K and above 200K, you will be given 10K, this money will be seen under your available balance and you can withdraw when you are withdrawing your savings, and it will be available for spending. This referral is continuous and will be there until you decide to close your account.
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Hamuzah B.
Software Engineer
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