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How do I prevent this product from crashing?

The least helpful thing about Adobe InDesign is that sometimes it crashes. I’ve reported the issue multiple times, but it still happens. I have never lost any of my files, it is overall just an inconvenience. It wouldn't change my mind about using the product though.
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Alan G.
Creative Director, G&G Creative
Hi Rebecca. That's a tough one to answer without knowing the specifics of your system, version of your OS and InDesign, etc.. I understand the frustration, though. My answer was to become part of the InDesign prerelease program more than a decade. It gives you a voice directly to the engineers, allows detailed bug reporting and plugs you into a community of professional users who can often come up with answers you might not get elsewhere. Go to and apply. At the least, you'll feel like you have more of a voice. For myself, I feel that users of professional-grade tools should always take an active role in their development. We have a vested interest, after all! The InDesign Secrets website and forum are also rich sources of info and assistance, well worth your time.
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