How do I view a ranking report for a certain date from the past?

Historical raning data in WebCEO's Rank Checker
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James B.
Owner, After Dark Grafx
You can do this in several ways: 1) Go to MY SITE RANKINGS 2) Select the HISTORICAL DATA TAB at the top by the TOOL SUMMARY 3) Select RESULT TYPE to the right of ADD KEYWORDS FILTERS --> Result Type (dropdown here) 4) select the drop down and select LOCAL PACK You can then see the historical data for local rankings month over month. On this same screen you can select the DATES and then input CUSTOM DATES if needed. (above the ADD KEYWORDS button) To PRINT or EXPORT the page report on the TOP RIGHT to the RIGHT of SETTINGS select EXPORT then select DOWNLOAD as PDF or CSV or MAIL PDF Report or Print it or add it to GOOGLE DATA STUDIO. Good Luck.
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Official Response
Joanne P.
Marketing Director at WebCEO
In your Rank Tracking report find the "Last scan (date)" button in the top left corner of the report menu and click it to open the calendar. Navigate to the required specific scan date to view the scanning results. If there was no scanning performed on that date, it will appear as grayed-out in the calendar.
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