How does STEALTHbits automate reporting?

Automated Reporting
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Netwrix Enterprise Auditor (formerly StealthAUDIT)
Official Response
Netwrix Enterprise Auditor (formerly StealthAUDIT)
STEALTHbits Technologies
The StealthAUDIT Management Platform enables you to easily retrieve the data you need, analyze it, implement automated or programmatic workflows and remedies, and report upon your status using the most appropriate method aligning to the various audiences you’ll interact with. StealthAUDIT’s Action Module framework serves as both a means by which to communicate with and receive feedback from end users, as well as automatically or programmatically remediate conditions across your organization. Fix excessive access, clean-up stale data, feed ticketing systems, and tie processes together seamlessly with StealthAUDIT’s open, flexible action facilities.
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