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curl --request PUT \ '[YOUR_API_KEY]' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{"id":"YOUR_BROADCAST_ID","contentDetails":{"enableClosedCaptions":true,"enableContentEncryption":true,"enableDvr":true,"enableEmbed":true,"recordFromStart":true,"startWithSlate":true,"monitorStream":{"enableMonitorStream":true,"broadcastStreamDelayMs":5}}}' \ --compressed
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Director for reaching out the pregnant patien. Simple, free, efficiently
We mainly do free radio broadcasting for medical professionals and patients, especially those who live in poverty and a state of elite-derived deprivation. Podcasts were fine, but GarageBand stopped makinng a Podcast Creator, a dedicated add-in some years ago. Then a miracle happenned. Mixlr, a brand coming from scratch, understood the customer needs and what they needed for. The company was helped by customers who received an hour of free broadcasting in return. Then,ak But good things seldom last. Do not know if they sold the thing or money was so celous of the geeks free hour -usually creative, diverse and vexing- that they decided to go into paid plans only. I did a 15 days trial some months ago and it was not the nice, simple, HI-FI, smoothly integrated with FB and TWT, friends masker App, that we met years ago. Money -especially obsessive money- cannot be the ony objective of TICs business, in a world that is asking to get away of abuse and is willing to engage in long-term, sustainable relationships wuth the industry. That is the reason why open-source, free, donation-based efforts like OBS. My most deep and sincere congratulations. Have you though of a "RADIO ONLY" version? Ricardo Gómez CEDIP
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