Diwanshee S.
Virtual customer associate at Amazon

Are the reviews authentic?

Yes reviews are 100% authentic and genuine and has been verified from the team.
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Mac M.
Sr. IT System Analyst in Value Chain Technologies
Yes, they are authentic. I have been asked to review the software platforms that I use. This service not only gives a place for user reviews but also creates a community just like this forum to use to get answers. I have also given answers to users that have issues with their platforms or recommendations on approaches and strategies in managing platforms for their own companies.
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Carlos A.
Art Director and Creative in 305 Creativity Group Llc
Yes. They are authentic. I consider that these types of surveys are useful for the community of designers and help developers to improve their App. In this way, we help to improve the tools we use in our work.
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Bill H.
One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary people. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary person.
Absolutely. I have reviewed software that I use currently, and some few that I used in the past- though G2 prefers to be as current as possible for obvious reasons.
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Lucas H.
Project Manager at Faith Builders Educational Programs
Good question, Diwanshee! I can only speak from my narrow experience, but I believe: a) The reviews are from authentic users and represent their actual experiences. G2 takes some pains to screen out those who haven't actually used the software and/or work for the company that makes it. b) Reviewers are motivated by rewards. These rewards are not usually tied to a rating, but G2 does compensate people for leaving detailed reviews. This increases the number of reviews for a given app. People tend to be more motivated to leave reviews for software they love (I think), so reviews will tilt towards the positive.
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Denis  M.
Denis M.
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Yes, they are. This answer based on my own experience. I have been asked to provide software reviews that I currently use, and some that I have used in the past. G2 always asks to provide a screenshot from the software in order to verify that the review authentic and honest.