Best Software for 2025 is now live!
Tami U.
First Officer at United Air Lines


I absolutely LOVE this company. They making sending cards so easy and productive during busy times. Would anybody else like to see more variety of choices with cards?
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Raven B.
Yes, please! Variety is one of the traits that drew me to the company in the first place, so I don't see why more variety could be a bad thing!
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Hi Tami, We are so glad to hear that you love our service and truly appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback! Good news, our creative team is currently in the process of vetting some new designs for the site. However, the option is always available for customers to design their own. To do this, just head on over to, login and select the "customizable cards" option from the category list. This will bring up all of the current customizable styles available. Let us know if you have any questions about the cards. We're happy to help! Wryte on, Tia
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