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Is there a way to incorporate facetime with schoolstatus in the future now that yhe epidemic has called for more of a need?

Contacting families when dealing with illnesses, quarantines, or just missing from classes for a reason and possibly giving them lessons or visual information along with verbal communication.
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Russ D.
Founder at SchoolStatus
Hey Aaron - I wanted to add to Aaron's (our Aaron) comments and say that this is a feature that is in active development at SchoolStatus. We're super excited to bring it to you and hope to have an announcement in the near future to share. - Russ
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Aaron S.
Customer Support Manager for SchoolStatus
Thank you for your question, Aaron! We definitely understand the value video calls now have, especially for remote learning. This is something we are looking at and is a feature request we have with our Technical Team. If this is something that we are able to implement in the future, we will be sure to let you all know. I hope that answers your question.
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